Using seasonal, organic and local fruits, here is the secret to a good dessert. This month, we offer you the recipe for white peach poached in Esprit de Malromé white wine.

Dessert for 4 people


200 ml white Esprit de Malromé

400 ml of water

4 organic ripe and firm white peaches

300 g fine organic cane sugar

10 lemon verbena leaves


Immerse the peaches in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and peel them after cooling them in an ice-water bath.
In a saucepan, dissolve the 300 g of sugar in 400 ml of water over medium heat. Add the wine, the verbena leaves and finally the peeled peaches. Bring to a shudder. Cook for 15 minutes. Check the doneness of the peaches with the tip of the knife. The fruit should be tender.
Let the peaches cool in the syrup for 2 hours.
Place a peach in a deep plate. Pour a little of the infused syrup. Decorate with a few fresh lemon verbena leaves.

Enjoy this dessert with a glass of chilled Esprit de Malromé white wine.

NEW IN 2020 2020

Château Malromé is opening its doors to visitors again with two new guided tours. A new and updated guided tour of the painter Toulouse-Lautrec’s apartments is available, thanks to our acquisition of some of his original works, now on display in a dedicated room.
In another first, the guided tour of the vineyards now includes a visit to our historic vat-house and cellars to let you in on our inside secrets to winemaking.


On the subject of love, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec once said to singer Yvette Guilbert “Ah love! Love! (…) Now if you sang about desire, one could understand and even laugh at the variety of its tricks… But love, my poor Yvette, there is no such thing!” The only woman who came as close as anyone to capturing his heart was Marie-Clémentine Valadon, better known as Suzanne Valadon.